A Numerical Approximation of 2D Coupled Burgers’ Equation Using Modified Cubic Trigonometric B-Spline Differential Quadrature Method
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Department of Mathematics, Lovely Professional University, Punjab, 144411, India
Online publication date: 2022-08-29
Publication date: 2022-09-01
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2022;27(3):79-102
In the present paper, trigonometric B-spline DQM is applied to get the approximated solution of coupled 2D non-linear Burgers’ equation. This technique, named modified cubic trigonometric B-spline DQM, has been used to obtain accurate and effective numerical approximations of the above-mentioned partial differential equation. For checking the compatibility of results, different types of test examples are discussed. A comparison is done between L2 and L error norms with the previous, present results and with the exact solution. The resultant set of ODEs has been solved by employing the SSP RK 43 method. It is observed that the obtained results are improved compared to the previous numerical results in the literature.
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