Damage-reliability approach for fatigue crack propagation in MDPE gas pipe
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Mechanics of Materials & Plant Maintenance Research Laboratory (LR3MI), Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, Badji Mokhtar University, PO Box 12, Sidi Amar 23052, Annaba
Online publication date: 2023-09-29
Publication date: 2023-09-29
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2023;28(3):42-52
Fatigue crack propagation tests are carried out on arc-shaped specimens prepared from MDPE gas pipes. Damage zone characterization is achieved using the diamond wafer sectioning technique from partially propagated and prematurely arrested cracks. Damage ahead of the crack-tip is used to assess a damage parameter and reliability based on statistical laws and subsequent use the PHIMECA Software. It is shown that a length and a width associated with a corresponding change in thickness at the fracture surface satisfactorily describe the damage zone size. The 3-parameter Weibull model gives the best reliability behavior and a critical lifetime of 82%. When considering separately both the Dugdale model and experimental damage zone measurements, it is possible to establish the evolution of the reliability index as a function of crack length. It is concluded that the reliability index approach based on damage provides a more consistent representation compared to analytical models.
This work is part of the PRFU research project validated by DGRSDT (Algeria); Code: A11N01UN230120190008, “Study of the mechanical behavior and remaining life of polyethylene pipes subjected to operating and environmental conditions”. The authors are grateful to Pr A. Amirat, Dr A. Merabtine and Dr L. Alimi for interesting discussions.
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