Decision Optimization of Machine Sets Taking Into Consideration Logical Tree Minimization of Design Guidelines
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Opole University of Technology Faculty of Production Engineering and Logistics 75 Ozimska Street, 45-370 Opole POLAND
Online publication date: 2014-09-02
Publication date: 2014-08-01
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2014;19(3):549-561
The method of minimization of complex partial multi-valued logical functions determines the degree of importance of construction and exploitation parameters playing the role of logical decision variables. Logical functions are taken into consideration in the issues of modelling machine sets. In multi-valued logical functions with weighting products, it is possible to use a modified Quine - McCluskey algorithm of multi-valued functions minimization. Taking into account weighting coefficients in the logical tree minimization reflects a physical model of the object being analysed much better
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