Design With SADSF Method and Analyses of Elastic Properties of Torsion-Loaded Double-Tee Section With Torsional Box
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Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering, Kielce University of Technology al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, 25-314 , Kielce, Poland
Online publication date: 2019-03-12
Publication date: 2019-03-01
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2019;24(1):79-89
The work presents the results of preliminary strength design of a thin-walled structure based on double-tee section loaded with a torsion moment. One of the solutions to this problem is considered, in which the torsional box is introduced in the central part. Then, one constructs a series of solution variants that differ in the torsional box length. In the design one uses the method of statically admissible discontinuous stress fields (SADSF) assuming the condition of equalized equivalent stress in the limit state. The work is complemented with elastic FEM analyses of one of the solution variants. Using this example, one shows good load-carrying properties of structures designed with the SADSF method, and proves that they could be several times better than the properties of structures designed with traditional or intuitive ways.
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