Evaluation of microstructure and mechanical properties resulting from gas nitriding process for different types of steel
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Production Engineering and Metallurgy Department,, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq., Iraq
company for steel industries,, ministry of industry and minerals, Baghdad, Iraq., Iraq
Department of Engineering Machine and Agriculture Equipment, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences,, University of Baghdad, Iraq., Iraq
Submission date: 2024-08-13
Final revision date: 2024-10-27
Acceptance date: 2024-11-15
Online publication date: 2025-03-06
Publication date: 2025-03-06
Corresponding author
Faras Q. Mohammed   

Production Engineering and Metallurgy Department,, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq., Iraq
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2025;30(1):101-111
This work investigates the effect of the gas nitriding process on the surface layer microstructure and mechanical properties for steel 37, tool steel X155CrVMo12-1 and stainless steel 316L. Nitriding was conducted at a temperature of 550 °C for 2 hours during the first stage and at 750 °C for 4 hours during the second stage. SEM and X-ray diffraction tests were performed to evaluate the microstructural features and the major phases formed after surface treatment. SEM and X-ray diffraction tests were performed to assess the microstructural features and the primary phases formed after surface treatment. The new secondary precipitates were identified as γ′-Fe4N, ε (Fe2–3N), and α-Fe, exhibiting an uneven chain-like pattern within columnar grains. A significant increase in the nitride layer thickness (34.4 µm) was achieved for X155 compared to AISI 316L and steel 37. Also, Gas nitriding caused a significant increase in hardness at the first stage for X 155 tool steel and AISI316L steel with hardness percentage enhancement of 0.87%(655HV) and 0.28% (219HV) respectively, while for steel37 samples the hardness reached its maximum value of 340HV for the second nitriding stage with hardness percentage enhancement of 0.78%. There was no significant improvement in surface hardness after second nitriding stages for X155 and AISI 316L steels. The effects of time and gas flow rate during the process were particularly evident on hardness values, especially after the first stage.
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