Evaluation of the Parameters of Vibrations During Dynamic Balancing of the Fan Rotor According to Polish and International Standards
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Opole University of Technology, Faculty of Managing the Power Industry, 45-036, Opole, ul. Luboszycka 7, Poland
Online publication date: 2019-06-03
Publication date: 2019-06-01
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2019;24(2):473-483
In the paper a procedure and methodology of acceptable calculations of powers, displacements (of amplitudes) and velocities of pulses according to ISO standards depending on the rotational speeds (frequencies) of rotor during attempts of dynamic breaking down taking into account effectiveness of vibration isolation were described. The proposed method is regarding one-sidedly hung rotors appearing in such appliances as rotors of fans, blowers, pumps and others. As permissible parameters of pulses values which are given in international standards PN-ISO-10816-1:1998P and PN-ISO-7919-1:2001 were assumed. Calculations were compared in the form of tables and they depicted with relevant graphs which have the character of useful nomograms. Also, recommendations for the design of the foundations and guidelines related to dimensions of the foundation, the weight and the way of fixing the device were given. In the end also closing remarks and conclusions were given.
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