Influence of Welding Parameters of Resistance Spot Welding on Joining Aluminum with Copper
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Engineering Technical College - Baghdad, Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq
Ministry of Education, General Directorate of Vocational Education, Al-Najaf Department of Vocational Education, Al-Najaf, Iraq
Institute of Technology - Baghdad, Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq
Online publication date: 2022-06-14
Publication date: 2022-06-01
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2022;27(2):217-225
The resistance spot welding (RSW) method was used to join aluminum alloy AA 1050 and copper alloy UNS C50100 sheets. Mechanical properties of the joints were examined. The influence of welding process parameters on tensile shear force of the joints was discussed. The design of experiments (DOE) method was used to analyze the influence of welding parameters on the mechanical properties of the joints. Three RSW parameters were used: welding current, squeeze time, and welding time. The results showed that the joint shear stress increased with increasing the welding current until a value of 12000 Amp. Then the shear stress decreased. The tensile shear stress increased with increasing the welding and squeeze time. As a consequence, it can be possible to weld copper with aluminum by RSW.
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