Influence of the Mesh Geometry Evolution on Gearbox Dynamics during Its Maintenance
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Institute of Machine Design Fundamentals Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, POLAND
Online publication date: 2017-12-09
Publication date: 2017-12-20
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2017;22(4):1097-1105
Toothed gears constitute the necessary elements of power transmission systems. They are applied as stationary devices in drive systems of road vehicles, ships and crafts as well as airplanes and helicopters. One of the problems related to the toothed gears usage is the determination of their technical state or its evolutions. Assuming that the gear slippage velocity is attributed to vibrations and noises generated by cooperating toothed wheels, the application of a simple cooperation model of rolled wheels of skew teeth is proposed for the analysis of the mesh evolution influence on the gear dynamics. In addition, an example of utilising an ordinary coherence function for investigating evolutionary mesh changes related to the effects impossible to be described by means of the simple kinematic model is presented.
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