Kinematic Analysis and Synthesis of a Compound Epicyclic Gear Mechanism with Intermeshing Satellites
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Механика, машинно инженерство и топлотехника, Технически университет София, България, Bulgaria
Механика, машинно инженерство и топлотехника,, TU, Bulgaria
Механика, машинно инженерство и топлотехника, Технически университет София, Bulgaria
Mechanics, mechanical engineering and thermal engineering, Sofia Technical University, Bulgaria, Bulgaria
These authors had equal contribution to this work
Submission date: 2024-08-01
Final revision date: 2024-09-02
Acceptance date: 2024-12-17
Online publication date: 2025-03-06
Publication date: 2025-03-06
Corresponding author
Silvia Dechkova   

Mechanics, mechanical engineering and thermal engineering, Sofia Technical University, Bulgaria, 5 Burgas Road, Sliven, 8800, Sliven, Bulgaria
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2025;30(1):36-52
In the present work, a study has been conducted on the possible kinematic configurations of a given gear mechanism with intermeshing satellites to compare the values of the transmitted torques. As a result of this analysis, principal schemes of compound epicyclic gear mechanisms achieving high values of transmitted torques at the output have been proposed. Kinematic synthesis of the mechanisms with optimal gear ratios achieving the highest values of output torques has been performed.
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