MHD flow past a parabolic flow past an infinite isothermal vertical plate in the presence of thermal radiation and chemical reaction
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Department of Applied Mathematics, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Irungattukottai, Sriperumbudur-602117, INDIA
Department of Mathematics, P.B.College of Engineering, Irungattukottai, Sriperumbudur, Chennai-602117, INDIA
Online publication date: 2016-03-07
Publication date: 2016-02-01
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2016;21(1):95-105
The problem of MHD free convection flow with a parabolic starting motion of an infinite isothermal vertical plate in the presence of thermal radiation and chemical reaction has been examined in detail in this paper. The fluid considered here is a gray, absorbing emitting radiation but a non-scattering medium. The dimensionless governing coupled linear partial differential equations are solved using the Laplace transform technique. A parametric study is performed to illustrate the influence of the radiation parameter, magnetic parameter, chemical reaction parameter, thermal Grashof number, mass Grashof number, Schmidt number and time on the velocity, temperature, concentration. The results are discussed graphically and qualitatively. The numerical results reveal that the radiation induces a rise in both the velocity and temperature, and a decrease in the concentration. The model finds applications in solar energy collection systems, geophysics and astrophysics, aerospace and also in the design of high temperature chemical process systems.
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