Performance analysis of the CRDI diesel engine's performance and emission parameters blended with leftover cooking oil, additional nanoparticles, and hydrogen enrichment
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Department of Mechanical Engineering, MET BKC Institute of Engineering, Nashik, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bramha Valley College of Engineering and Research Institute, Village,, India
Department of Computer Engineering, Bramha Valley College of Engineering and Research Institute, India
Department of Electrical Engineering, K J College of Engineering and Management Research, India
Submission date: 2024-07-03
Final revision date: 2024-09-03
Acceptance date: 2024-11-15
Online publication date: 2025-03-06
Publication date: 2025-03-06
Corresponding author
Department of Mechanical Engineering, MET BKC Institute of Engineering, Nashik, Adgaon, 422003, Nashik, India
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2025;30(1):53-64
The low cost and wide availability of used cooking oil make it a desirable feedstock for the generation of biodiesel. In this study, Three distinct hydrogen enrichment values (4 lit/min, 6 lit/min, and 8 lit/min) and nanoparticle concentrations of 50, 100, and 150 PPM) are combined with used cooking oil blends (10%, 15%, and 20%) to evaluate the CRDI single-cylinder diesel engine's efficiency and emission properties. Split injection technique was used in the experiments to investigate the impact on emissions and engine efficiency. The outcomes reveal a significant improvement in brake thermal efficiency over standard diesel fuel, up to 8%. In addition, a noteworthy decrease was noted in particular fuel consumption and emissions parameters, including smoke, hydrocarbons (HC), and carbon monoxide (CO), under all experimental setups. On the other hand, there was a minor rise in nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions. With encouraging gains in performance and emissions characteristics, this study clarifies the feasibility of using used cooking oil blends with hydrogen nanoparticle enrichment as a sustainable alternative fuel for CRDI diesel engines. Increased environmental friendliness and overall efficiency could be achieved with this alternative fuel technology with additional refinement and optimisation of engine operating parameters.
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