Promising Wing Vibration Measurement System Using MEMS IMUS and Kalman Filter Correction
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Moscow Aviation Institute (, National Research University), Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy», Moscow, Russian Federation
Online publication date: 2022-06-14
Publication date: 2022-06-01
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2022;27(2):143-157
Nowadays, there is still a need for the development of a high-precision vibration measurement system for aircraft wings. By analyzing the wing vibration characteristics a lot of aviation studies could be conducted, including the wing health monitoring, the fluttering phenomenon and so on. This paper presents preliminary results of the research carried out toward building a promising system designed to measure vibration parameters of aircraft wing. Comparing it with the existing analogue systems, the proposed system features the use of approaches that are traditional for solving orientation and navigation problems for vibration measurements. The paper presents the basic structure of the system, the fundamentals of its operation, the mathematical errors models of its main components, the correction algorithms using optimal Kalman filter. Finally, the initial simulation results of system operation are shown, demonstrating the expected accuracy characteristics of the system, which confirms its effectiveness and the prospects of the chosen direction of research.
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