The Evolution of Devices and Systems Supporting Rehabilitation of Lower Limbs
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Wroclaw University of Technology Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department of Biomedical Engineering, Mechatronics and Theory of Mechanisms Łukasiewicza St. 7/9, 50-371 Wrocław. POLAND
Online publication date: 2015-03-11
Publication date: 2015-02-01
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2015;20(1):147-158
This paper presents the process of development, as well as examples of devices and systems supporting rehabilitation of the human lower extremities, developed independently over the years in many parts of the world. Particular emphasis was placed on indicating, which major groups of devices supporting kinesitherapy of the lower limbs can be distinguished, what are the important advantages and disadvantages of particular types of solutions, as well as what directions currently dominating in development of rehabilitation systems may be specified. A deeper analysis and comparison of several selected systems was also conducted, resulting in gathering the outcomes in two tables. They focused on a few features of mechanical design, especially the devices’ kinematic structures, and devices’ additional functions associated with, among others, interaction, as well as diagnosis of the limb's state and the progress of rehabilitation.
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