The Maximum Principle of Pontryagin in Control of Twolegged Robot Based on Human Walking System
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Department of Production Management Faculty of Management Technical University of Bialystok Ojca Tarasiuka 2 Street, 16-001 Kleosin, POLAND
Online publication date: 2014-08-30
Publication date: 2014-05-01
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2014;19(2):407-417
In the paper a hypothesis about state equations of human gait is presented. Instantaneous normalized power developed by human muscles at particular joints of a leg is a control vector in state equations of the human walking system. The maximum principle of Pontryagin in analysis of dynamic human knee joint was presented. The discrete Hamilton function of a knee joint is similar to a discrete square function of normalized power developed by muscles at the knee joint. The results satisfy optimal conditions and could be applied in control of exoskeleton and DAR type robot.
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