Various Response Functions in Lattice Domes Reliability Via Analytical Integration and Finite Element Method
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Chair of Structural Reliability, Faculty of Civil Engineering Architecture and Environmental Engineering, Łódź University of Technology, Al. Politechniki 6, 90-924, Łódź, Poland
Online publication date: 2018-06-04
Publication date: 2018-05-01
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2018;23(2):445-469
The main aim of this work is to verify an influence of the response function type in direct symbolic derivation of the probabilistic moments and coefficients of the structural state variables of axisymmetric spherical steel dome structures. The second purpose is to compare four various types of domes (ribbed, Schwedler, geodesic as well as diamatic) in the context of time-independent reliability assessment in the presence of an uncertainty in the structural steel Young modulus. We have considered various analytical response functions to approximate fundamental eigenfrequencies, critical load multiplier, global extreme vertical and horizontal displacements as well as local deformations. Particular values of the reliability indices calculated here can be of further assistance in the reliability assessment by comparing the minimal one with its counterpart given in the Eurocode depending upon the durability class, reference period and the given limit state type.
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